What is Evergreen?

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.

What is Evergreen?

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.

The Elephant Butte Fire

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.

On July 13th, 2020, Evergreen, CO experienced a dramatic fire for all to see, very much in the center of the community. Several hundred homes were around and in the fire’s direct path. Surrounding areas were quickly evacuated by JSCO (Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office), including Elk Meadows and Alderfer/3 Sisters parks. The fire burned for 2 days.